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It’s Not Your Last Chance!

unnamedOk, ok… while today is your last chance to make a tax-deductible gift in 2015 , it isn’t your last chance to support TJFP!

Because many grassroots groups are not 501c3s and don’t have fiscal sponsors, we have a innovative model to support these groups simply and directly. We think this model is an exciting opportunity to support grassroots organizing and that means you can still make donations to support the 2016 cycle until May.

In 2015 TJFP recieved over 140 applications.  Our community grantmaking panel of trans and gender non conforming activist carefully read over each application, distributing $192,500 amongst 85 grantees.   Just think of what we could do with your help in the coming year!  No amount too small!

Wishing us all a new year full of love and liberation.  Love, TJFP

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    So much more is possible when we collectively pool our love and resources together to show up for our communities who fight on behalf of all of us. Whether it's one dollar or a million, every dollar counts! We invite you to join us in supporting the community-led solutions we wish to see, today and into the future.